We have 21 laboratory courses (beamline practicals) using SPring-8 facilities.
BL practicals are scheduled on Sept. 30th (Sun) and Oct. 1st (Mon) .
Please note that the number of students for each course is limited and not all requests can be met. In addition, your preferred BL practicals may have been changed due to cancellation caused by the BL mechanical problems.

BL01B1: Text >>> Textbook 348KB
Theme: in-situ XAFS Measurement of Catalyst Samples
Tomoya Uruga, Kiyofumi Nitta, Kazuo Kato (JASRI/SPring-8) and Paul Fons (AIST & JASRI/SPring-8)
The bending magnet beamline, BL01B1, is used for various applications of XAFS over a wide energy range from 3.8 to 113 keV. In the practical training course, we plan to show how to measure XAFS spectra, which covers alignment of X-ray optics and sample position. We will also demonstrate in-situ time-resolved quick scanning XAFS measurement of catalyst samples under reaction condition.

BL02B2: Text >>> Textbook 9KB
Theme: Practical Training for Powder Diffraction Experiment at BL02B2
Kim Jungeun (JASRI/SPring-8)
The high-energy and high-brilliance synchrotron X-ray at SPring-8 allows materials scientists to unravel structure-property relationship with electron distribution resolution using powder diffractometry. In the present training, we are planning to offer practical technique on how to select proper X-ray wavelength and capillary size, how to align beamline components, how to prepare powder sample and how to measure data for synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction experiment. If time permits, the fully automatic measurement system using a sample changer and image recognition will be shown.

BL04B1: Text >>>Textbook 122KB
Theme: In situ Observation of High-Pressure Phase Change of Simple Material
Ken-ichi Funakoshi and Yuji Higo (JASRI/SPring-8)
The BL04B1 beamline is designed for conducting researches on the structures and physical properties under high-pressure. In this course, we will observe the high-pressure phase change of KCl using a large-volume multianvil device and an energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction technique. KCl is a well-known crystal which is reversibly-transformed from B1 to B2 phase with pressure. In the practice, precise phase boundary and lattice constants of KCl are determined from in situ X-ray diffraction analysis.

BL04B2: Text >>>Textbook 203KB
Theme: Structure of High-Temperature Levitated Liquids Probed by High-energy X-ray Diffraction -Towards the Development of New Glasses
Shinji Kohara (JASRI/SPring-8)
High-brilliance and high-energy X-rays are one of the greatest advantages of SPring-8. The use of high-energy X-rays allows us to measure diffraction patterns up to high values of the momentum transfer in reciprocal space in transmission geometry, using small scattering angles and small correction terms. This fortunate combination provides more detailed and reliable structural information of disordered materials (glasses, liquids and amorphous materials) than it has hitherto been available. On the other hand, use of the levitation technique allows us to achieve deeply supercooled states, because there is no interface between the liquid and a container wall. Hence we can obtain new metastable materials (glasses) from the supercooled levitated liquid. In this course, we will try to levitate an oxide melt at a temperature beyond 2,000 ˚C by using a conical nozzle levitator. We will learn how we can obtain reliable diffraction data and how we analyze the data. Furthermore we will try to perform structure modelling of disordered materials on the basis of diffraction data employing a computer simulation technique, in order to understand the relation between the structure of a liquid and its glasses forming ability.

BL08W: Text >>>Textbook 418KB
Theme: Spin Moment Determination of Ferro- or Ferrimagnetic Materials using Magnetic Compton Scattering
Masayoshi Itou and Yoshiharu Sakurai (JASRI/SPring-8)
Magnetic Compton scattering is one of the synchrotron-radiation-based techniques to measure the spin moment of ferro- or ferromagnetic materials. The training begins with a brief introduction to magnetic Compton scattering and its techniques, followed by on-the-job trainings for spectrometer calibration, sample setting and data acquisition, with a ferromagnetic Fe reference-sample and a ferromagnetic compound. If you carry a well-characterized bulk-sample, we will consider its preliminary measurement on your request in advance.

BL10XU: Cancelled on August 30th
Theme: High pressure X-ray Diffraction Measurement in a Diamond Anvil Cell
Yasuo Ohishi and Naohisa Hirao (JASRI/SPring-8)
The undulator beamline BL10XU is dedicated for X-ray diffraction experiments at high pressure and low/high temperature using diamond anvil cells (DACs). The high-resolution monochromatic angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction obtained at BL10XU allow us to accurate structural analysis in crystals submitted to extreme pressures. To have a better understanding of high-pressure research using a combination of synchrotron radiation and a DAC technique through this BL practice course, in situ high-pressure X-ray diffraction experiments will be carried out.

BL12XU: Text >>>Textbook 189KB
Theme: Hard X-ray Spectroscopy at Transition Metal K-edge
Hirofumi Ishii (NSRRC/SPring-8)
The tunable and brilliant third generation synchrotron radiation source allowed us to carry out various spectroscopy experiments in hard x-ray energy region. The undulator beamline BL12XU is primarily designed for resonant and non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS and IXS) experiments. Participants of our course will learn knowledge and techniques of Rowland circle type spectrometer which is commonly used in hard x-ray spectroscopy. Practically, we will demonstrate RIXS type experiment, the high resolution x-ray absorption, using this spectrometer at transition metal K-edge.

BL14B2: Text >>>Textbook 513KB
Theme: in-situ XAFS Measurement of Catalyst Samples
Tetsuo Honma (JASRI/SPring-8)
The bending magnet beamline, BL14B2, is used for various applications of XAFS over a wide energy range from 3.8 to 72 keV. In the practical training course, we plan to show how to measure XAFS spectra, which covers alignment of X-ray optics and sample position. We will also demonstrate in-situ time-resolved quick scanning XAFS measurement of catalyst samples under reaction condition.

BL17SU: Text >>>Textbook 196KB
Theme: Selective Observation of Molecules in Solution Under Ambient Condition by Means of Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
Takashi Tokushima and Masaki Oura (RIKEN/SPring-8)
Soft x-ray emission spectroscopy is a method applicable to investigations of electronic structure for various systems such as solid, liquid and gaseous species. At the soft x-ray beamline BL17SU, spectroscopic studies were carried out on liquids and solutions under ambient condition (i.e. atmospheric pressure) using soft x-rays. In the course, the participants will experience soft x-ray absorption and emission measurements for the samples in solid state and aqueous solution. The participants will also learn principle of soft x-ray spectroscopy, detail of the soft x-ray beamline and the soft x-ray emission spectrometer.

BL20XU:Text >>>Textbook 25KB
Theme: X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Experiment
Akihisa Takeuchi (JASRI/SPring-8)
X-ray fluorescence measurement which enables elemental analysis will be introduced at undulator beamline BL20XU. In the practical training course, we plan to show hot to measure x-ray fluorescence spectra, which covers alignment of x-ray optics and sample positioning. We will also demonstrate elemental mapping of test samples by using microbeam scanning experiment.

BL20B2: Text >>>Textbook 58KB
Theme: X-ray Image Detector and Micro-Tomography Experiments
Kentaro Uesugi and Masato Hoshino (JASRI/SPring-8)
Micro-tomography experiments are carried out at many synchrotron radiation facilities in the world. The basic technique of the tomography is using absorption contrast of specimen. In the practice, we will start from evaluating of some image detectors for tomography. Some examples of absorption based micro-tomography will be also shown for the demonstration.

BL27SU: Text >>> Textbook 442KB
Theme: Soft X-ray Photoabsorption Spectroscopy
Yusuke Tamenori (JASRI/SPring-8)
The beamline BL27SU is used for (x-ray absorption spectroscopy) XAS applications in the soft X-ray region (0.17-3.4 keV). In the practical training course, the participants will learn how to measure soft X-ray XAS spectrum. The participants will gain experience in sample preparation, sample alignment inside a vacuum chamber, and data acquisition. XAS spectra will be measured by means of the total-electron yield method and the partial fluorescence yield method using a Silicon-drift-detector.

BL35XU: Text >>>Textbook 820KB
Theme: Going where Neutrons Can't: Inelastic X-ray Scattering Provides a Unique Window on Atomic Dynamics
Alfred Baron (RIKEN/SPring-8) and Satoshi Tsutsui (JASRI/SPring-8)
High resolution inelastic x-ray scatting presents a unique opportunity to probe dynamics in liquids and solids – directly investigating atomic the direction and frequencies of atomic motions. This unique probe has helped advance the understanding of liquid and solid state dynamics, beyond the nobel-prize-winning work by Brockhouse. During this practical we will introduce students to the method, and some of the unique capabilities of SPring-8’s very large (10m long, 30 ton) IXS spectrometer. Depending on student interest we will either compare the dynamical response of different liquids or investigate a phonon changes near a solid-state phase transition.

BL38B1: Text >>>Textbook 1.31MB
Theme: Data Collection and S-SAD Phasing of Protein Crystals
Kazuya Hasegawa (JASRI/SPring-8)
Sulur SAD (S-SAD) phasing has been got attention because it does not need heavy atom derivative and is expected to improve the throughput of structure determination. However, accurate measurement of diffraction intensity is crucial for the success of S-SAD because of the small anomalous signal of sulfur atom. In this exercise, participants will collect diffraction data from a protein crystal and determine the structure by using S-SAD phasing.

BL38B2: Text >>>Textbook 83KB
Theme: Beam Diagnostics of the SPring-8 Storage Ring
Kazuhiro Tamura and Takeshi Nakamura (JASRI/SPring-8)
Characteristics of synchrotron radiation (SR) are closely related to those of the source electron beam. For example, pulsed nature of SR is originated from bunched structure of the electron beam. Brilliance of SR is dominated by transverse size and angular divergence of the electron beam. This laboratory course is practice at the SPring-8 diagnostics beamline I (BL38B2), where SR form a bending magnet is exploited for diagnostics of the electron beam. The course will include measurement of bunched structure of the electron beam, bunch length and bunch spacing, with a visible light streak camera.

BL39XU: Text >>>Textbook 582KB
Theme: Handling of X-ray Polarization and Application to X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
Motohiro Suzuki, Naomi Kawamura and Masaichiro Mizumaki (JASRI/SPring-8)
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is X-ray absorption spectroscopy using circularly polarized X-rays. This is a powerful technique to investigate magnetic materials, providing element specificity, electronic-shell selectivity, and angular-momentum sensitivity. XMCD experiments in the hard X-ray region (>4 keV) require no ultra-high vacuum condition and are particularly useful to study magnetism under multiple extreme conditions (high magnetic field, low temperature, and high pressure). In the practice, you can learn how to tune several devices at the beamline, the undulator, double-crystal monochromator, and X-ray phase plate, to generate a circularly polarized X-ray beam. You will take some XMCD data by static and polarization-modulation techniques to know that how the modulation technique is useful in improving the data quality. A practice of the sum-rule analysis to determine the magnetic moments from the measured XMCD spectra will be performed.

BL40XU: Text >>>Textbook 40KB
Theme: Microbeam Small-angle X-ray Diffraction of Hair
Noboru Ohta (JASRI/SPring-8)
BL40XU is a high-flux beamline. Microbeam small-angle x-ray diffraction is one of the applications of high-flux x-ray available at BL40XU. We plan to provide training on adjustment of pinhole optics, data collection and analysis using hair as an experimental sample.

BL40B2: Text >>>Textbook 21KB
Theme: Small-angle Scattering Experiments
Naoto Yagi and Hiroshi Sekiguchi (JASRI/SPring-8)
Small-angle scattering/diffraction experiments require sophisticated optics (monochromator, focusing mirror, slits) and a detector system. Examples at small-angle beamlines (BL40B2 and BL40XU) will be explained. As a typical application, a protein solution scattering experiment will be conducted at BL40B2 with some instructions on the data analysis. Instrumentation for time-resolved experiments is also explained.

BL43IR: Text >>>Textbook 67KB
Theme: Microspectroscopy using Infrared Synchrotron Radiation
Taro Moriwaki (JASRI/SPring-8)
BL43IR provides infrared radiation of high brilliance from a large bending radius (39.3 m) bending magnet. The beamline is therefore suitable for the microspectroscopy applications at the diffraction limit scale of approximately 10-100 micrometer depending on the wavelength. We plan to provide an opportunity to use the infrared microscope at the beamline of the practical training on adjustment of the optics, sample preparation (human hair cross-sectioning), adjustment of the microscope and measurements (two-dimensional mapping of the hair sample).

BL44B2: Text >>>Textbook 698KB
Theme: In-Situ Powder Diffraction Technique for Chemical Reactions
Kenichi Kato (RIKEN/SPring-8)
In-situ structure explorations under chemical reactions involve fast X-ray detectors as well as high-brilliance X-ray sources. This practical will give you an opportunity for experiencing the in-situ powder diffraction experiment with a reduction cell.

BL46XU: Text >>>Textbook 186KB
Theme: Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Jin-Young Son, Hiroshi Oji and Yi-Tao Cui (JASRI/SPring-8)
Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) is a powerful tool for observation of the distributions of chemical states from surface to bulk (several tens of nanometer). BL46XU is just a beamline used for this purpose and dedicated for industrial applications, which equipped with an undulator light source, double-crystal and channel-cut monochromators as well as a hemispherical type electron energy analyzer. The aim of this course is to learn the principle of HAXPES and gain experience of measuring photoelectron spectra of various materials with 8 keV monochromated X-ray.

BL47XU: Text >>>Textbook 4.89MB
Theme: Making of Micro/Nano-beam with Fresnel Zone Plate Optics
Yoshio Suzuki (JASRI/SPring-8)
The Fresnel zone plate (FZP) is a focusing/imaging optics widely used in the x-ray region. The FZP for x-rays is fabricated by recent nano-technology, and a few tens nm probe size has been achieved using FZP focusing optics and the third generation synchrotron radiation light sources. Unlike the conventional optical lens, the FZP is somewhat complicated optics. In the course, we will study, what is the characteristics of FZP, how the FZP works, how to make microprobe with FZP, and how to measure the probe size, etc, for deep understanding of x-ray fucusing/imaging optics. A demonstration of scanning microscopy is also planned.